INVITED Talks on virtual exchange
im Englischunterricht der Grundschule

INVITED Talks is a series of events focused on Virtual Exchange (VE) in pre-primary and primary language classrooms, organized by the INVITED project - Integrating Primary and Pre-school Virtual Exchange Projects into Language Teacher Education (
The INVITED project — Integrating Primary and Pre-school Virtual Exchange Projects into Language Teacher Education, is a transnational initiative involving the University of Education in Germany, the University of Murcia in Spain, the University of Warsaw in Poland and the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, as well as the collaboration of Strathclyde University in the UK.
eTwinning provides us with a great opportunity to create not only a network of students and teachers but also a bunch of collaborative activities. One such activity, storytelling, allows us to enrich our students' knowledge about different cultures and topics. Currently, teachers have at their disposition a variety of digital resources to create collaborative activities. Among these, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most powerful. In this webinar, we will see how using AI to create stories can enable students not only to use new digital tools but also to reflect on how to use them ethically.
Mari Carmen Montoya Martínez (@mcarmenmm) has been a primary school English language teacher since 2001, an eTwinner since 2007, an eTwinning Ambassador in Murcia since 2013, and a European eTwinning Ambassador since 2017. She coordinated the “Classroom of the Future” programme in 2019/2020 for the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Mari Carmen has also designed and tutored numerous courses, including an online eTwinning course in storytelling with augmented reality (2018) and an open online course (NOOC) in “Learning Situations” for the National Institute of Educational Technology and Training. She trains teachers in CLIL, eTwinning and active methodologies throughout Spain and is the author of two blogs: and
Currently she teaches in “Isabel Bellvis” primary school in Murcia where she coordinates the bilingual, European and digital programmes (Digicraft).
eTwinning offers a unique opportunity to connect teachers and students from different countries, creating engaging and interactive language learning experiences. In this webinar, you will discover how eTwinning projects enhance language skills for young children through authentic communication, intercultural learning, and fun, hands-on activities. We’ll also explore how digital tools motivate students and how teachers can benefit from sharing best practices. Join us to explore project ideas that stimulate creativity, language development, and cross-cultural understanding in young learners.
Paola Schettin has been teaching English and CLIL at Neue Grundschule Potsdam since 2016. In 2021, she participated in her first eTwinning project „To bee or not to bee… it depends on us!“ which was awarded both the National and European Quality Labels and won the National Prize in Germany. Since then, she has been involved in several eTwinning projects. Paola Schettin has been an eTwinning Ambassador since 2023.
Mi, 05.02.2025
Di, 06.05.2025
jeweils 18 - 19 Uhr
Forschende, Lehrkräfte, Studierende, Interessierte
Prof. Dr. Annika Kolb, PH Freiburg, annika.kolb(atnospam)
Veranstaltet von:
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projects INVITED