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Hotspots of Climate Change revisited

Project lead: Prof. Dr. Gregor C. Falk

Droughts in Africa, floods in Bangladesh, river floods in Germany, submerging coral islands ... often climate change is blamed for all kinds of calamities as a universal scapegoat. It is not uncommon to ignore the fact that climate-related changes represent only one aspect of the complex earth-human system. Many geohazards and associated social and economic vulnerabilities result from inappropriate land use practices; in many cases the effects of climate change merely occur as aggravating factors. The IPCC predictions are based on model calculations that have taken more and more aspects into account over the past few years, thus the accuracy of all data has improved. As a matter of fact, a more detailed picture of the expected climatic changes can be drawn. Meteorological changes are undisputed, rising temperatures and sea levels are well documented, all data are provided on a regional basis. Findings from the earth sciences help to extend the IPCC reports (e.g., with regard to the Holocene growth of coral islands, the manifold causes of flooding, the albedo effects of deforestation, the development of deltaic sedimentary environments etc.), in some cases a modification of the predictions and a more holistic approach seems necessary. This does not mean, however, that these observations and research results fundamentally question human-caused climate change. Especially regarding developing an earth literacy and in other educational contexts, it is of fundamental importance to expand monocausal explanatory approaches in favour of more holistic perspectives. Within the framework of the project, regional spatial examples are used to analyse how climatic changes and inappropriate forms of land use form a mutually reinforcing structure in complex earth systems. The didactically structured findings are implemented in various educational media accordingly.

Azam, M., Falk, G. C. (2022): Resilience strategies and environmentally induced migration in the coastal regions of Bangladesh: Existing scenarios and post-Covid implications on livelihood and food security. Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2022: Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien.

Falk, G. C. (2020): Wachsende Inselwelten im Pazifischen und Indischen Ozean. In: Praxis Geographie, H.1, S. 30-36

ders. (2017): Klimawandel auf Island. Chance und Risiko zugleich. In: Praxis Geographie, H. 11, S. 50-56

ders. (2016): Deltagebiete Asiens. Amphibische Räume im Spannungsfeld ökologischer und ökonomischer Dynamik. In: Geographische Rundschau, H. 7/8

ders. (2015): Land use change in coastal regions of Bangladesh. A critical discussion of the impacts on delta-morphodynamics, ecology and society. In: Südasien 1/2015

ders. (2015): Hitzefalle Stadt. Die Erkundung der städtischen Wärmeinsel. In: Reinfried, S., Haubrich, H. (Hrsg.): Geographie unterrichten lernen. Die Didaktik der Geographie. S. 410-413.

ders. (2014): Increased Vulnerability as a result of land use change and environmental degradation in coastal regions of Bangladesh. In: IGU Regional Conference Proceedings, Cracow, Poland

ders. (2012): Landnutzungswandel Nordseeküste: "Heut bin ich über Rungholt gefahren ..." Küstenlandschaft im Wandel. In: Landnutzungswandel - Raumbeispiele aus Deutschland. Praxis Geographie, H. 4

ders. (2012): Binnenmigration in Bangladesch. Landbevölkerung in der Küstenzone als Globalisierungsopfer im Spannungsfeld ökonomischer Interessen. In: Südasien - Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen. Praxis Geographie, H. 9, S. 20-24

ders. (2011): Deltawachstum trotz Meeresspiegelanstieg - Entwarnung für Bangladesch? In: Klett Magazin Terrasse, H. 1, S. 9-13

ders. (2007): Naturrisiken und Vulnerabilität in Europa. In: Geographie heute, H. 251, S. 28-29

Falk, G.C., Lehnig, B., Schollier, M. (2021): Terra Physische Geographie Oberstufe - Bundesausgabe Gymnasium. Klett, Stuttgart.

Falk, G.C., Hoffmann, T., Korby, W., Kreus, A., Lehnig, B., Rausch, Ch., Schmid, A., Schollier, M. (2021): Terra Geographie Kursstufe Leistungsfach Ausgabe Baden-Württemberg Gymnasium. Klett, Stuttgart.

Falk, G. C., Kreuß, A., Schollier, M. (2017): Aktionsraum Erde. Landschafts- und Nutzungszonen im Wandel. (=Terra) Klett, Stuttgart.

Falk, G. C. et al. (2011): Terra Geography. Dynamic Earth. Bilingual Edition

ders. (2011) Terra Geography. Global Environments and Climatic Regions. Bilingual Edition