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South Asia: Climate and land use change – ecosystems and social structures under increasing pressure

Project lead: Prof. Dr. Gregor C. Falk - Cooperation projects with Prof. Dr. Raquib Ahmed, Rajshahi University (Bangladesh) and other local partners

The natural environment of Bangladesh (as well as other South Asian countries) and the people living in the country will face increasing problems from various external and internal drivers. The projected impacts related to climatic changes and population pressure could hamper efforts towards positive socio-economic development in the regional context. At the same time, it also becomes clear that many problems are not primarily due to climate change, but rather that vulnerability results from inappropriate land use practices.

The project activities focus on the analysis of complex causal structures in the context of land use and climate change, as well as migration. Spatially, many research activities are particularly concentrated on coastal zones.

Azam, M., Falk, G. C. (2022): Resilience strategies and environmentally induced migration in the coastal regions of Bangladesh: Existing scenarios and post-Covid implications on livelihood and food security. Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2022: Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien.

Falk, G. C., Follmann, A., Müller, J. (2020): Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien. 10. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 24./25. Januar 2020, Freiburg. In: Geographien Südasiens, Bd. 12, Heidelberg

Falk, G. C. (2016): Deltagebiete Asiens. Amphibische Räume im Spannungsfeld ökologischer und ökonomischer Dynamik. In: Geographische Rundschau, H. 7/8

Falk, G. C. (2015): Land use change in coastal regions of Bangladesh. A critical discussion of the impacts on delta-morphodynamics, ecology and society. In: Südasien 1/2015

Falk, G. C. (2014): Increased Vulnerability as a result of land use change and environmental degradation in coastal regions of Bangladesh. In: IGU Regional Conference Proceedings, Cracow, Poland

Alam, S., Ahmed, R., Falk, G.C. (2014): Assessment on social vulnerabilities to hydro-meteorological disasters in the south-western coastal belt of Bangladesh. In: Proceedings International Conference on Environment and Development, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Gosh, M. K., Ahmed, R., Falk, G. C. (2014): Environmental impact of land-use change in the southwestern coastal zone of Bangladesh. In: Proceedings International Conference on Environment and Development, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Falk, G. C. (2010): Climate Change and Land Use Change in Bangladesh. Learning about an Amphibic Country under Increasing Pressure. In: Continents under Climate Change, PIK Report No. 115, p. 80

Falk, G. C. (2010): Bangladeschs Küste - Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraum unter Druck. In: Praxis Geographie, H. 3

Ahmet, R., Falk, G. C. (2008): Bangladesh - Environment under Pressure. In: Geographische Rundschau International Edition, H. 1,Vol.4, pp 12-20