Research for effective climate education and education for sustainable development
The ReCCE stands for empirical and interdisciplinary research on education for sustainable development (ESD) and climate education (CCE), but what do we mean by this?
At ReCCE, we investigate the prerequisites, processes and outcomes of ESD and CC in formal and non-formal education. To this end, we use "empirical" methods from the field of empirical science. In addition to personal characteristics on the part of learners (e.g. prior knowledge, interest, motivation) and teachers (e.g. professional knowledge, attitudes towards ESD, technical, pedagogical and didactic expertise), the objects of research are, in particular, the effects and impacts of educational offers on the learning success of learners (e.g. sustainability-specific knowledge, competencies, motivational and volitional orientations, emotional experience, attitudes and behavioral readiness), insofar as their characteristics can be recorded and measured. Based on "tried and tested" findings, evidence-based models and theories on the quality of ESD and KB are then to be developed to enable the targeted improvement of educational programs in practice.
Together with the directorate, around 20 researchers make up the ReCCE team at the Freiburg University of Teacher Education. As a multidisciplinary team, we research ESD topics across a broad, interdisciplinary spectrum and with reference to the various disciplines and subjects.