The crisis of nation-states – anarchist answers? 19 - 21 March 2021 - Online conference!
The conference takes part now! Go to the conference room: https://zoom.us/j/91388828900
Here you will find all information and links for the conference.
How is a world society thinkable beyond the limitations of nations and what are the requirements for maintaining a better society? The convention addresses two central themes: the critique of nation-states and possible forms of alternative social organisation (of small or large scales). We intend to focus on the plausibility of common anarchist thinking from a theoretical point of view and to find a more substantial form of the nation-states critique.
The conference will take part on the ZOOM video platform. The links for presentations and workshops will be sent after your registration and shortly before the conference.
Conference Committee and Organisation
Uwe H. Bittlingmayer (PH Freiburg) (uwe.bittlingmayer(at)ph-freiburg.de)
Thomas Stölner (Vienna) (thomas.stoelner(at)gmx.de)
Gözde Okcu (PH Freiburg) (goezde.okcu(at)ph-freiburg.de)
In cooperation withr the Graswurzelrevolution and the Equal Opportunities Commission of Fakultät 1.