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  1. The crisis of nation-states – anarchist answers? 19 - 21 March 2021 - Online conference! (Content)

    The crisis of nation-states – anarchist answers? 19 - 21 March 2021 - Online conference! The conference takes part now! Go to the conference room: Here you will find all information and links for the conference. How is a world society thinkable beyond the limitations of nations and what are the requirements for maintaining a better society? The convention addresses two central themes: the critique of…
  2. Conference Committee and Organisation (Content)

    Conference Committee and Organisation Uwe H. Bittlingmayer (PH Freiburg) ( ) Thomas Stölner (Vienna) ( ) Gözde Okcu (PH Freiburg) ( ) In cooperation withr  the Graswurzelrevolution and the Equal Opportunities Commission of Fakultät 1.
  3. Workshop Block I: 21th of March, 12:00 - 14:00 (Content)

    Workshop Block I: 21th of March, 12:00 - 14:00 Decision making in large groups I - Christoph Besemer

    The consensus process has become established in many groups and organizations in the social movements and beyond as a form of rule-free decision-making. This usually involves decisions made by manageable groups in the presence of their members. Since consensus building requires the active involvement of all participants or affected parties,…

  4. Workshop Block II: 21th of March 14:00 - 16:00 (Content)

    Workshop Block II: 21th of March 14:00 - 16:00 Decision-making with larger groups II - Christoph Besemer

    The consensus process has become established in many groups and organizations in the social movements and beyond as a form of rule-free decision-making. This usually involves decisions made by manageable groups in the presence of their members. Since consensus building requires the active involvement of all participants or affected…

  5. 1. Answers to the Nation-States Crisis: Stateless Regulation, Critique of Power and Economic Alternatives (Content)

    1. Answers to the Nation-States Crisis: Stateless Regulation, Critique of Power and Economic Alternatives 10:00 - 12:00|Ilija Trojanow|Power and Resistance. Anarchist Approaches. Overview, Current Approaches and Lines of Discussion 12:00 - 13:00||Lunch Break 13:00 - 14:30|Stephen Shalom|democratic councils: organizing power with nested councils 14:30 - 14:45||Break 14:45 - 17:45|Michael Albert|Participatory Economy: institutions of a just and…
  6. Saturday, 20.03.2021, 9:00 - 18:30 (Content)

    Saturday, 20.03.2021, 9:00 - 18:30 09:00||Welcome 09:15 - 11:00|Ilse Lenz|Female Power without domination, Overview, Current Approaches and Discussion within Feminist Theory 11:00 - 12:30|Claude Klöckl|Centralized Allocation of Goods 12:30 - 13:30||Lunch Break
  7. 3. How to (differently) organize Power? Possibilities, Success Requirements, Implementation strategy, Plausibility (Content)

    3. How to (differently) organize Power? Possibilities, Success Requirements, Implementation strategy, Plausibility 13:30 - 15:00|Hermann Amborn|Law as an anarchist Stronghold, Overview, Current Approaches and Discussion within Social Anthropology 15:00 - 16:30|Savvina Chowdhury|reproductive labor in a participatory economy 16:30 - 17:00||Tea- and coffee break 17:00 - 18:30|John Holloway|Eve Lecture: Changing the World without Taking Power.