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Climate change in educational contexts

Project responsibility: Prof. Dr. Gregor C. Falk, Dr. Anna Chatel

Against the backdrop of the unsatisfactory "current state", a wide-ranging implementation and strengthening of the climate change issue in the educational context is urgently needed. In many cases, activities and offers are limited to well-intentioned one-off actions such as project days, tree planting campaigns or similar. In geography lessons, too, important geoscientific issues are usually given insufficient consideration due to shrinking lesson quotas. Current lesson observations, some of which are documented in subject didactic research, show that almost all age groups have vague and persistent everyday ideas about climate change, which often only partially (or not at all) correspond to scientific findings. This is true not only for the pupils, but also for the student teachers in training. According to their own statements, even experienced educators are hardly in a position to adequately penetrate the complex system interrelationships, let alone integrate them into their teaching. This is partly due to the fact that climate change was not an integral part of education just a few years ago.