The Jean Monnet Chair Freiburg for European Education
in collaboration with
the Center for Continuing Teacher Education of the University of Education Freiburg
is announcing a two-day international conference titled
„Teacher Training in Europe – Challenges, problems and solutions“
The participants of the planned conference will discuss the current developments in European Teacher Training in theory, empirical research and practice in different European Countries.
Date: 24 - 25 June, 2022.
Conference Location: University of Education Freiburg/Germany and Online
Target audience: researchers, especially PhD-students and students in social and educational sciences and teachers, principals of schools and other professional groups in education, and everybody else interested in the conferenc-topic
Aim of conference: Learning from each other and developing solutions together for common or similar problems as European partners.
Languages: German and English
Co-chairs of the conference:
Prof. Dr. Andrea Óhidy (University of Education Freiburg, Institute for Education Sciences, Jean Monnet Chair Freiburg for European Education)
Dr. Patrick Blumschein (University of Education Freiburg, Centre for Teacher Training)
Day 1:European Teacher Training: theoretical and empirical perspectives (June 24th 2022)
On the first day of the conference, participants will receive an overview of the current developments in European Teacher Training in the Keynote-Speeches of national and international experts and discuss them with research-based presentations and workshops from theorectical and empirical perspectives.
Day 2: European Teacher Training in practice (June 125th 2022)
On the second day, the conference will concentrate on practical questions, problematical issues and best practice-projects in European Teacher Education.
Each 60-minute-long session of the conference is structured in the same way: two (in-Person-sessions) or three (Online-sessions) 15-20-minute presentations, and their discussion.
The first day of the conference is calling for German, English or French language abstracts about European Teacher Training from theoretical and empirical perspectives. We expect abstracts from researchers, especially PhD-students and students in social and educational sciences about their currect research.
The second day of the conference is calling for German, English or French language abstracts about European Teacher Training from the practical perspective. We expect abstracts from teachers, principals and other professional groups, working in education about their own concepts and projects.
You can download the PDF file here
The registration is free.
- If you would like to attend the conference (with or without presenting), please scroll to the end of this page.
- If you have any problems with the registration portal, please registrate per email to: with the following data: name, affiliation, language, email-address and whether you would like to participate in person or online. Thank you!
- We are expecting abstracts of 2,500 - 3,000 characters.
- All accepted abstracts will be published on the JMC-FrEE project website
Please submit your abstract in the language in which you want to hold your presentation. We are expecting abstracts of 2,500 - 3,000 characters with the following information:
- the relevance of the topic, the elaboration of the theoretical framework of the research, the presentation of the research history,
- the exact definition of the purpose of the research, the novelty of the research questions / hypotheses,
- the research method/s,
- the novelty of the research results,
- the theoretical, practical significance of the research,
- an exact listing of the reference literature.
If you would like to send an abstract, please send it with your registration which you find at the bottom of this page. If you have any problems with the registration portal, please send your registration (with the following data: name, affiliation, language, email-address and whether you would like to participate in person or online) and your abstract per email to:
All accepted abstracts will be published on the JMC-FrEE-project website:
- Application deadline (without own presentation): 31 May 2022
- Notification about abstracts acceptance: 25 April 2022.
- Conference days: 24 - 25 June, 2022.
Friday June 24th 2022
European Teacher Training: theoretical and empirical perspectives
12:00 Registration
12:30 – 13:00 Opening:Christine Buchheit (Lady Mayor of Freiburg); Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kotthoff (President of the University of Education Freiburg)
13:00 - 14:00 Keynotes: Dr. José-Lorenzo Vallés (EACEA); Dr. Maria Diacon (Moldovan Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research/Moldawien); Dr. Foteini Asderaki (University of Piraeus/Griechenland)
14:00 – 14:15 Coffee break
14:15 – 15:15 Session slot 1: European Teacher Training: theoretical and empirical perspectives
15:15 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:30 Keynote Speech: Prof. Dr. Ilse Schrittesser (University of Vienna/Austria)
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 – 18:00 Session slot 2: European Teacher Training: theoretical and empirical perspectives
Saturday June 25th 2022
European Teacher Training in practice
08:30 – 09:00 Registration, Coffee break
09:00 – 10:00 Keynote Speech: Prof. Dr. Doris Jorde (University of Oslo)
10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break
10:15 – 11:15 Session slot 3: European Teacher Training in practice
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 Session slot 4: European Teacher Training in practice
12:30 – 13.00 Coffee break
13:00 – 14:30 Roundtable-Discussion: “Teacher Training in Europe – similarities,
differences, problems and solutions”
15:00 End of Conference
Keynote 1: Teacher Training in Europe: Introduction, 24.06.2022, 13:00
with contributions from
Dr José-Lorenzo Vallés (Head of Unit, Erasmus+ A1: European Higher Education, EACEA): Teacher Training in Europe: The new Jean Monnet Action Teacher Training
Presentation "The new Jean Monnet Action on Teacher Training" as PDF
Maria Diacon, PhD (Moldovan Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research/Republic of Moldova): Competences for teaching the Course of European Integration in Modern School - Experiences of a Jean Monnet Modul for Education
Presentation "Jean Monnet Module Formation of competences for teaching the course of European integration for you in modern school" as PDF
Foteini Asderaki, PhD, Associate Professor (University of Piraeus/Greece): European Union’s Education, Training, Research and Innovation Policies - Experiences of a Jean Monnet Chair for Education
Presentation "Educational Activities – Actions" as PDF
Prof. Dr. Ilse Schrittesser (University of Vienna/Austria) - 24.06.2022, 15:30
Prof. Dr. Ilse Schrittesser (University of Vienna/Austria)
Presentation "Von der Bologna-Studienarchitektur zu den Dozierenden in der Lehrer*innenbildung" as PDF
Teacher Educators Matter: Teacher training lecturer – attempt of an evaluation of the current situation and possible perspectives
In the last fifteen to twenty years there have been intensive efforts in Europe to introduce reforms at universities and create a common European educational area. These efforts also extended to reforms in teacher education, which was positioned as an essential player in the education system under the slogan "Teachers Matter".
The restructuring of higher education – including teacher education – represented a powerful turning point. A two-cycle Bachelor's-Master's architecture with a subsequent third cycle, the PhD programme, were introduced. The curricular developments thus initiated – commonly known as the Bologna Process after the city where the corresponding declaration was signed – triggered discussions, resistance and protests throughout Europe. Rarely has a reform project been so controversially received. Its goals included making curricula more flexible, more interdisciplinary and, not least, more internationally compatible. From today's perspective, and with the benefit of hindsight, there is much to be said for the assumption that the so-called Bologna architecture does not in itself guarantee a high-quality curriculum. Conversely, it does not counteract high quality from the outset. Any curriculum is only as good as the framework in which it is offered and, ultimately, the way its goals and content are implemented and individual players involved.
Before this background, examining the role of teaching staff at universities is a particularly worthwhile endeavour in teacher education. The OECD’s "Teachers Matter" slogan can be expanded here to "Teacher Educators Matter", an aspect that has only recently been given greater attention.
Teacher educators are in a special position as "teachers of teachers". They are not merely mediators of professional knowledge and essential actors in encouraging and accompanying the professionalization process of prospective teachers; they also assume the dual role of "teachers of teachers". Teacher education is a special case in this respect: in no other profession do content and the way it is presented and taught both become the direct object of the professionalization process. This peculiarity is the starting point for the qualification requirements for lecturers in teacher education and is now receiving broader attention in research on teacher education.
In my presentation, I will attempt to take stock of the ongoing discussions on this topic and outline their possible consequences for teacher education.
Translation: Anna Sophia Blatz
Prof. Dr. Doris Jorde (Universität Oslo/Norwegen) - 25.06.2022, 09:00
Prof. Dr. Doris Jorde (University of Oslo/Norway)
Presentation "International Trends with examples from Teacher Education in Norway" as PDF
Transforming Teacher Education – a look at international trends with examples from Norway
The goal of any teacher education program should be to provide students with the best possible education for becoming a professional teacher. In order to accomplish this goal, programs need to be well defined with common goals for those contributing to the teacher education program.
We know that teacher education is complex, involving multiple knowledge domains leading towards a professional education for classroom teachers. Programs need components of subject knowledge (and often multiple subjects); they need knowledge of pedagogy and they need knowledge of subject didactics. We also know that teacher education programs also include practice elements where our students are working with teachers in classrooms, thus increasing complexity of this professional education. Classroom teachers as well as campus instructors are all teacher educators!
Transforming teacher education for meeting the demands of future schools is an on-going process requiring innovation and research to drive changes leading towards quality teacher education.
In my talk I will be presenting current international trends in thinking about ambitious teacher education programs. A common understanding of what we mean by quality in teacher education will be discussed based on innovation and research at the University of Oslo. I will use the University of Oslo’s teacher education as a case study to discuss how we have worked with coherence from the viewpoint of the organization and from the viewpoint of the teacher education student as we work towards transforming our program based on principles of quality.
Some of the innovative ideas that have transformed our teacher education program include: integrated teaching on campus, university partnerships with schools, the introduction of authentic video into teaching and creating social environments for students.
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Kunzenweg 21, 79117 Freiburg
KG 5, Mensa
By train
Starting from the main staition Freiburg
- either take the train headed towards "Titisee" (or "Kirchzarten" or "Villingen") to "Freiburg-Littenweiler" (the train station lies next to the Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, journey time is approx. 10 min, the train leaves every 30 minutes)
- or take the tram (line 1), which leaves from the bridge next to the main station to "Lassbergstrasse/Littenweiler" (last stop). Then follow "Lindenmattenstraße" approx. 200 to the Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (total time ca. 20 min).
By car
Leave the motorway at the exit for "Freiburg-Mitte" and keep straight on following the signs to "Titisee-Neustadt / Donaueschingen" (B 31). After approx. 10 km, directly after the brewery "Ganter", you will reach the tunnel entry. Before the tunnel, please take the left lane to pass the tunnel. Now follow the tram tracks to the junction at their last stop. At this junction, turn right (signs PH Freiburg). The first street on the right after passing the train tracks is the "Kunzenweg". After approx. 200 m, second crossroad to the right you will find the car park of the PH Freiburg.
By car from Titisee-Neustadt
Outward journey via the B31 from "Titisee / Neustadt". Please leave the B31 shortly before Freiburg in the direction of "Littenweiler". Continue on the "Kappeler Strasse" as far as the junction where you see the "Volksbank" (on the right) and the "Badischen Beamtenbank" (on the left). Please turn left, and the first street on the right after passing the train tracks is the "Kunzenweg". After approx. 200 m, second crossroad to the right you will find the car park of the PH Freiburg.
- City map: breisgau/kartenstartpunkt/
- Tourist information:
- Further information about Freiburg i. Br. :
Prof. Dr. Andrea Óhidy: andrea.ohidy(at)
Dr. Patrick Blumschein: patrick.blumschein(at)
Infos about accommodations in Freiburg:
Books by the Conference Participants (in English and in German)
Conference Cinema
Conference Cinema "Teacher Training in Europe" (English):
The aim of the project Jean Monnet Chair Freiburg for European Education (JMC-FrEE) is the promotion of basic and in-depth knowledge on European Integration, esp. on European Education. The topic Dealing with Diversity in Education is especially emphasized.
Our main objective is to provide expert guidance to future educators and teachers about European matters, and to prepare them to organize learning and teaching processes in a European context. They should be prepared in Teacher Training for the education of the next generation of active European citizens, both theoretically and practically. There are 3 main areas of our multidisciplinary teaching and research activities:
- Europeanization of Education
- Intercultural Education (esp. Multilingual Education) in Europe
- Education for disadvantaged children (esp. from the Roma-minority) in Europe.
More information about JMC-FrEE: