Applications will be open 1st of February until 31st of May!

Join our new cohort starting in October 2025. Applications will be open soon! Find information on the application process here.

MA E-LINGO - Teaching Languages to Young Learners

(Pre-School and Primary School)

What is E-Lingo?

E-LINGO is a part-time two-year post-graduate blended-learning master´s programme, leading to a qualification in the teaching of English to young learners. It combines online coursework with 5 x 2 days of face-to-face teaching sessions at the PH Freiburg. It is an excellent form of professional development for pre-school and primary school language teachers. The E-LINGO master´s award also gives access to degree courses in teacher education and research at university level. E-LINGO is a well-established master´s programme, which has successfully qualified teachers of English for young learners for more than a decade. It has received excellent reviews and has been used as a model for other blended-learning teacher qualification courses.

What makes E-LINGO special?

Previous work experience is one of the entry requirements and makes up 60 of the 240 credit points necessary to start the MA programme

A flexible post-graduate programme combining 5 x 2 days of face-to-face teaching sessions on-campus in Freiburg, Germany and distance-learning online

Part-time study allows you to combine academic study with work or other commitments. The majority of the programme is delivered online using the E-LINGO learning platform.

Language skills and teaching methodology are developed simultaneously by completing coursework in English, supported by native speakers.

You will have the opportunity to develop research skills and gain practical experience through the combination of theory and practice. You will:

  • discuss recent theories of teaching language to young learners and consider how they can be applied in authentic contexts
  • analyse authentic classroom videos and teaching/learning resources for primary and pre-school education
  • cooperate to develop classroom research projects in authentic teaching contexts
  • participate in a two-week placement in a language classroom.

The E-LINGO master´s award is fully Bologna-compatible, which means that it is recognized across Europe and respected world-wide. E-LINGO attracts students from all over the world. The programme enables you to gain insights into a range of teaching contexts and to share your experience with teaching professionals as well as students from diverse backgrounds.

At a glance

 Degree: MA in Teaching English to Young Learners (pre-school and primary school)

► Duration: 2 years

Start: the academic year starts in October (intake every year; next cohort starting in October 2025)

Face-to-face meetings offered in hybrid format (can be attended virtually, if necessary)


How to apply

You will need an under-graduate degree from a university, university of education or private university, one year's work experience and very good English language competences (level B2).

Information for application


Our office will be happy to help you:

Michelle Ackermann
Tel.: +49 761 682-318, E-Mail:

Judith Persicke
Tel.: +49 761 682-664, E-Mail:

Please send enquiries to

More information

You can find further information on the programme's website:

E-LINGO website

Study and examination regulations

Find out about our study and examination regulations (German version)



Professur für Didaktik der englischen Sprache und Literatur / Studiengangsleitung MA E-LINGO

Prof. Dr. Annika Kolb

KA 218
Phone +49 761 682-153
E-Mail annika.kolb(at)
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Vivienne Mellor-Schwartze

KG 4, 224
Phone +49 761 682-508
E-Mail mellor-schwartze(at)


Dr. Kirsten Birsak de Jersey

Akademische Mitarbeiterin

Dr. Harriet Jeeves

KA 218
E-Mail harriet.jeeves(at)