
27-28 January 2020
Participation in the Erasmus+ (CBHE) project coordinators in the meeting at the EACEA (Brussels): Project Coordinator Dr Matthias Hutz and the Coordinator for the Partner Countries Dr Galina Telegina

28 February 2020
Meeting of the working group at Tyumen State University
(14 participants)

Ppresentation of the aims and objectives of the project; role and function distribution; discussion of the preparation for the kick-off meeting of the project.

17-20 March 2020
The Kick-off Meeting of the project at Tyumen State University
(35 participants, the Russian partners present in person, the other partners participating online, due to the Covid restrictions)

Programme of the events:

25 May 2020
Online workshop for the Russian partners – a follow-up of the project monitoring by the National Erasmus+ Office
(11 participants)

The organizers: TyuSU and KSAU, all Russian partners participating. 

In the course of the workshop the following issues of the project implementation were discussed: development of the quality assurance strategy; presentation of the e-platform at KSAU, with free access for all partners; mechanisms and structures for effective project management, etc.

29 June – 03 July 2020
Online course for EFL teachers ‘English Medium Instruction and CLIL in Higher Education:  Principles and Practices’

Facilitators: Elisabeth Wielander, Aston University, Matthias Hutz, Freiburg Pedagogical University 

Sue Garton, Aston University, Valeria Evdash, Tyumen State University

This course was for English language lecturers/teachers from partner universities in Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. It aimed to introduce them to both the theoretical principles and the practical implementation of English Medium Instruction (EMI) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The idea behind the IMPROvE-AGRO project was to introduce EMI into a number of modules in Agriculture and Forestry at Master’s level.  English language lecturers/teachers are key to the success of the project in that their support will be needed by Agriculture and Forestry lecturers as they make the transition to teaching through English. This series of workshops was the first step in the project.

22 July 2020
Project Coordination Meeting (online)

The organizers: TyuSU and FUE.


1. Up-date on the project development: 

2. The Work  Plan for year 2020 of the project:  activities and reporting

3. Any Other Business

14-20 October 2020
Online workshop 'Curriculum Development for English Medium Instruction’
(29 participants)

Facilitators:  Matthias Hutz, Freiburg University of Education, Germany; Sue Garton, Aston University, UK; Chris Wilson, Aston University, UK; Dimitrios Karpouzos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;
Elpida Kolokytha, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Anastasia Lagopodi, Artistotle University of Thessaloniki; Galina Telegina, Tyumen State University, Russia.

The course was for lecturers/professors in Agriculture, Forestry and related disciplines in Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, who would be updating their curricula as part of the IMPROvE_Agro project. It aimed to introduce them to both the theoretical principles and the practical application of curriculum design according to European standards as well as to the principles of blended learning to support English medium instruction.

The idea behind the IMPROvE_AGRO project was to introduce EMI into a number of modules in Agriculture, Forestry and related disciplines at Master’s level. The course aimed to support Agriculture and Forestry lecturers as adapt their curricula and make the transition to teaching through English.

19 February 2021
Project Coordination Meeting (online)


1. Up-date on project development –individual reports: 

2. Formation of the  interdisciplinary working groups based on the specific modules development, and appointment of the WG leaders.

3. Activities planned: 

18-19 March 2021
International Online Workshop «Blended Learning and Flipped classroom», Part I
(31 participants) 

Main facilitators: Dr Matthias Hutz (FUE), Dr Sue Garton (AU), Dr Elisabeth Wielander (AU).

This course was for lecturers/professors in Agriculture, Forestry and related disciplines who would
be updating their modules as part of the IMPROvE-Agro project. It aimed to introduce them to
both the theoretical principles and the practical design principles of blended learning and
the flipped classroom.

The idea behind the IMPROvE-AGRO project is to introduce EMI via blended learning into a number of modules in Agriculture, Forestry and related disciplines at Master’s level. The course aimed to support Agriculture and Forestry lecturers in making the transition to teaching in English through blended learning. At the end of the course, participants were to:

  1. understand what the flipped classroom is and how it can support learning;
  2. reflect on the key principles for adapting their course to blended/flipped learning;
  3. learn how to design learning events for asynchronous learning;
  4. contribute to the compilation of a corpus of English to support blended delivery in English. 

26 March 2021
Project Coordination Meeting (online)
(17 participants)

The key point in the agenda was to finalise the formation of the international working groups, to work jointly on the development/modernization of the new modules/courses to be delivered in English in the framework of the Master programmes. Representative of all partner universities participated in the meeting.

07 April 2021
International Online Workshop «Blended Learning and Flipped classroom»
Part II: Designing a flipped learning event
(27 participants)
As a follow-up to the workshops on March 18th/19th , the partner universities’ staff were to plan a flipped learning event of their own, i.e., to take one of their current lectures, face-to-face classes or course units and adapt it to this new mode of delivery.

21 May 2021
International Online Workshop «Paradigms of MSc Programs and Courses design in School of Agriculture of AUTh»
(28 participants)

Main facilitators: E. Kolokytha, Professor AUTh , D. Karpouzos, Assoc. Professor AUTh, Dr A. Lagopodi, Assoc. Professor AUTh.

The course was for lecturers/professors in Agriculture, Forestry and related disciplines  in Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, who would be updating their curricula as part of the IMPROvE_Agro project. It aimed to introduce them to both the theoretical principles and the practical application of curriculum design according to European standards, using the AUTh experience:

26 May 2021
Project Coordination Meeting (online)
(20 participants)

During the meeting the structure and the functions and the international working groups were further discussed and specified, the format of the new modules/courses to be delivered in English was further developed, the plans for the next steps were formulated. Representatives of all partner universities participated in the meeting.

Project Coordination Meeting (online) 
(21 participants) 

The key points on the agenda were:

Project International Quality Assurance Group Meeting (online) 
(11 participants) 

Discussion of the Strategy  and the Road Map for QA optimization. 

Project International Quality Assurance Group Meeting (online)
(11 participants) 

Discussion of the Strategy  and the Road Map for QA further development and up-dating of the Road Map. 

Project Coordination Meeting at FUE (Freiburg) 
(6 participants) 

The Agenda included the adjustment of the Work Plan for the project prolongation request, discussion of the project progress and of the deliverables to date; the measures for facilitating the project effectiveness in the Covid-19 situation; discussion of the objectives and content of the coming teaching and training events.

Project Coordination Meeting (online) 
(17 participants)

The key points on the agenda were: