30th International Mathematical Views Conference
It is our great pleasure to announce that the 30th International Mathematical Views conference MAVI will be held from September 18 to 20, 2024 at the University of Education Freiburg
About the Conference
The overall topic of the conference is the broad area of affect in mathematics education. The aim of the conference, on the one hand, is to present research results from topics related to affect including attitudes, beliefs, emotions, identity, interest, meaning, motivation, values, and the like. It does not matter whether you are interested in theoretical considerations or empirical research. We welcome contributions on learning, teaching, or using mathematics at any educational level or at work. On the other hand, we want to intensively discuss these topics. Thus, it is in the heart of the MAVI spirit that there will be enough time to engage in in-depth discussions after each presentation.
For the upcoming MAVI conference, please note that there will be a pre-registration phase (free of charge) for MAVI 30, which lasts until mid-February. You need to register to be able to attend the conference. Due to the extraordinary resonance of MAVI 30 in the community, the conference organizers must have the opportunity to estimate the capacity of conference rooms and accommodation. Save the date for pre-registration: until 23 February 2024.
Pre-registration: send an email to mavi30(at)ph-freiburg.de giving your full name, affiliation, email and whether you intend to submit a paper for the conference.
Pre-registrations after 23 February are still possible subject to availability.
If you want to contribute to the conference with a paper, you need to pre-register (see above) and submit your paper for MAVI30 by May 3, 2024. Author´s guide and a paper template are provided below (see submission of papers).
For any questions, please contact mavi30(at)ph-freiburg.de.
Submission of Papers
All submitted papers should explicitly address the field of math-related attitudes, beliefs, emotions, identity, interest, meaning, motivation, values, etc.
For your paper, please use the template below.
The papers must be submitted before May 3, 2024. To submit contributions to MAVI30, please upload your paper to the Lumat system (see author guide) and send the paper to mavi30(at)ph-freiburg.de.
By submitting a paper to the conference, you agree to review two papers submitted by other colleagues. The time for doing the reviews is between May 10 to May 31, 2024. The peer review process is not blind. Guidelines for the reviewers will be provided on the conference website and via email to all contributing authors. Results will be announced by June 6, 2024.
For any questions regarding the submission of papers, please write an email to mavi30(at)ph-freiburg.de.
We would like to remind all authors to upload the revised version of your paper to the Lumat platform by August 9th (please follow the feedback given in our review letter sent in June). The conference version of all revised contributions will be sent to participants so that all participants have the chance to read papers in advance.
Important Dates
February 23, 2024 | Pre-registration closes |
May 3, 2024 | Submission of papers end |
May 10 to May 31, 2024 | Time for reviewing |
September 17, 2024 | Arrival, city tour and welcome reception in the evening |
September 18, 2024 | MAVI30 starts at 9 a.m. |
September 20, 2024 | MAVI 30 ends at about 3 p.m. |
Scientific program of MAVI30
For the presentation of accepted contributions for MAVI30, all authors have received detailed information about the submission of revised versions of their research reports. All participants of the conference will receive a pre-conference version of papers at the beginning of September. Reviewers of contributions are kindly asked to prepare a short reaction to the presentation of papers which should include suggestions which can be a starting point for a productive discussion with the group.
A current version of the scientific program of MAVI30 can be downloaded here. We kindly ask all authors to check if the information about your presentation is correct.
Two plenary activities are included in the program:
Günter Törner: Looking back and looking ahead: MAVI Past and future
MAVI -- Mathematical Views: We look back, but also forward. To give a detailed lecture on thirty years of activities of the MAVI group is not only presumptuous, but impossible with the best will in the world given the time constraints. The speaker, the second co-founder alongside Erkki Pehkonen (Helsinki), would like to remind us once again of the central motivations and questions that are still valid today.
Thirty MAVI conferences have dealt with around 600 lecture topics. What should be emphasized here? Our much-respected subject of mathematics was not always given first priority in the research work. In this respect, the presenter would like to see the views about, by, with ... the subject of mathematics given first priority in research more often. The questions to be answered should then quickly turn out to be paradigmatic. The lecturer will give suggestions from his primary field of research and address open questions.
Alan Schoenfeld: What matters in Classrooms?" Issues of Theory, Context, and Practice.
I have been working for nearly 20 years on the "Teaching for Robust Understanding” Framework, which identifies the main dimensions of “powerful classrooms” - classrooms from which students emerge as powerful thinkers with strong disciplinary identities. The work was done first in the U.S., in mathematics classes, but (a) it applies to all subject matter disciplines, and (b) it has been used or applied in many countries. I will start by introducing and elaborating on the TRU Framework, including showing an (easily accessible) videotape of sixth grade mathematics students. I will then discuss the fact that TRU applies to all disciplines, not just mathematics; that it has been validated widely outside the US in addition to inside it - but, that there is significant cultural variation; I will address the challenges we face in helping the ideas in TRU become a practical reality. This too is a function of national context. I am looking forward to discussing these issues with the participants. Further information