Hanieh Choopani


Fachrichtung Mode und Textil

KG 3, 227
Phone +49 761 682-358
E-Mail hanieh.choopani(at)ph-freiburg.de
Consultation hour Montag-Freitag, 9-5 Uhr

Seit November 2022 arbeite ich am Institut für Mode- und Textilwissenschaften und ihre Didaktik der PH Freiburg als Doktorandin bei Frau Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Grundmeier.

Ich bearbeite hier das Fashion DeSIrE-Projekt und meine zweite Doktormutter ist Frau Prof. Martina Glomb von der Hochschule Hannover.

Diese Promotionsforschung wird vom DAAD gefördert.

Seit 11/2022: Doktorandin im Institut für Alltagskultur, Bewegung, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg und Hochschule Hannover, Germany

Seit 03/2023: Studentische Hilfskraft, Hochschule Hannover, Germany

Seit 06/2023: Vertreterin im Senat als Doktorandin, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Germany

2020-2022: Lehrerin, Die Technische und Berufliche Universität, Iran

2012-2020: Übersetzerin und Sprachlehrerin an verschiedenen Institutionen, Iran

- Iran, S., Choopani, H., & Mirzapoor, N. (2024). Exploring the Intersection of Minimalism, Luxury, and Sustainability in Fashion Consumption. In A. Joy (Ed.), Sustainability in Art, Fashion and Wine: Critical Perspectives (pp. 221-233). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110783933-012

- Choopani, H., Grundmeier, A.-M., & Glomb, M. (2023). Exploring Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Fashion Design Studies in Germany and Iran - A Comparison. In E.P. Akçakoca Kumbasar, T. Bedez Üte, M. Küçük, S. Morsümbül, H. Karakaş & A. M. Sariışık (Eds.), International Izmir Textile and Apparel Symposium (ITAS 2023) proceedings (pp. 75-84), Izmir, Turkey.

- Choopani, H., Wallaschkowski, S., & Iran, S. (2023). Determinants of a shift in consumer values towards minimalist clothing consumption during global crises. Fashion, Style & Popular Culture. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1386/fspc_00209_1

- Vladimirova, K., Henninger, C. E., Alosaimi, S. I., Brydges, T., Choopani, H., Hanlon, M., Iran, S., McCormick, H., & Zhou, S. (2023). Exploring the influence of social media on sustainable fashion consumption: a systematic literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 15(2), 181-202. doi: 10.1080/20932685.2023.2237978

- Choopani H. & Davari R. (2021). Zero-Waste Design Strategies in the Textile and Apparel Sector in Iran. In: Iran, S. & Samie, Y. (eds) the Little Book of Sustainable Fashion. Tehran: Jamale Honar Publication [In Persian].

- Choopani, H. (2020). Loved Clothes Last [In Persian]. Available at: www.fashionrevolution.org/asia/iran/

• Choopani, H. (2024, November 7-9). Implementing Sustainability Aspects in Fashion Design Education: Best Practice Example with USE-LESS Product Lifecycle [Ph.D. Research presentation]. The 19th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference (CORTEP 2024). Iași, Romania.

• Choopani, H. (2024, June 5). Implementing Education for Sustainable Development as a Guiding Principle in Fashion Design Higher Education [Ph.D. Research progress presentation]. Tag der Lehre. Hochschule Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Hannover, Germany.

• Choopani, H. (2024, May 14-17). Implementing Education for Sustainable Development as a Guiding Principle in Fashion Design Higher Education [Ph.D. research map and progress including updated data of all phases]. Cumulus Budapest 2024 Conference. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME). Budapest, Hungary.

• Choopani, H. (2024, February 13-15). The Facilitation Practices of Implementing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Fashion Design Studies in Germany and Iran [Ph.D. Research progress presentation]. The 3rd Sustainable Textile and Fashion Congress (STFC). Online via Zoom.

• Choopani, H. (2023, November 23-24). Exploring Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Fashion Design Studies in Germany and Iran - A Comparison [Research progress presentation]. The Future Forum for Educational Research event. Ludwigsburg University of Education, Ludwigsburg, Germany.

• Choopani, H. (2023, October 25-27). Exploring Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Fashion Design Studies in Germany and Iran - A Comparison [Peer-reviewed paper presentation and publication: Presenting the results of the systematic literature review and curriculum analysis]. International Izmir Textile and Apparel Symposium (ITAS 2023). Altin Yunus Hotel, Organized by Ege University, Izmir, Turkey.

• Choopani, H. (2023, September 15-16). Exploring Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Fashion Design Studies in Germany and Iran - A Comparison [Ph.D. Research progress presentation]. De-Fashioning Education: A Critical Thinking and Making. University of Arts, Berlin, Germany.

• Choopani, H. (2023, June 29). Exploring Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Fashion Design Studies in Germany and Iran - A Comparison [Ph.D. Research progress presentation]. ReCCE Colloquium. University of Education Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.

- Sustainable Fashion Consumption Network: sustainablefashionconsumption.org

- Fashion Revolution Iran Team (2019-2023): www.fashionrevolution.org/asia/iran/

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