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Dr. Istifan Maroon

Dozent - Lecturer

E-Mail istifan.maroon(at)
Consultation hour Office hours - Online:
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Lecturer - Dozent :
Freiburg University of Education - Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg

Heidelberg University of Education - Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg

Akademische Interessen - Academic interests:  

   Burnout in social work;
   Supervision in social work;
   Multicultural social work practice;
   Family therapy;
   Needy youth;
   Child Welfare (Theory and practice - Child welfare institute).


Aktuelle Neuerscheinung: New Publication

Istifan Maroon
Burnout bei Sozialarbeitern
Theorie und Interventionsperspektiven.

dritte Auflage 2021, VIII/200 S.
ISBN: 978-3-31217-0




1. Maroon, I. (1995). Evaluating A Therapeutic Intervention Program for Alienated Youth and
    their Families in A Voluntary Institutional Framework
, New York, Hildesheim, Zurich: Olms.  
2. Maroon, I. (1997). Becoming A Professional Social Worker: Developmental Processes
    And Challenges In Supervision, Theory And Practice
, New York, Hildesheim, Zurich: Olms.   
3. Maroon, I. (2003). Field Education in der Sozialen Arbeit, Freiburg: Lambertus Verlag.
4. Maroon, I. (2021). Burnout bei Sozialarbeitern: Theorie und  Interventionsperspektiven, (3. Auflage),
    New York, Hildesheim, Zurich: Olms.   


Book chapters:

Maroon, I. (2010). Sozialarbeit in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft: Ansätze, Modelle und Interventionen, In, Wilken, U. Thole, W. (Eds.). Kulturen Sozialer Arbeit: Profession und Disziplin im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, Berlin: VS Verlag.

Books preparation:

1. Maroon, I. (In preparation). Helping Families With Multiple Problems: A Guidebook for Social Workers.
2. Maroon, I. (In preparation). Social Work Practice in a Multicultural Society: Approaches, Models and


Academic, scientific consultation:

Department of social work, Charles University in Prague.
Scientific consultant for curricula, teaching, planning-building programs for field practice & social work supervision.   

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