Research: Our Publications and Conference Contributions

Publications/Congress Contributions

Here you can find publications on Afghanistan, which have been produced by the members of the working group or within the Afghanistan projects.


Salehi, Mohammad Javad; Zaki, Mohammad Baqer; Harsch, Stefanie; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. (2024): Modern education and its enemies in Afghanistan – an analytical, historical review to inform the future. In: Gutman, Mary (eds.): Education Leadership in the Shadow of Wars. Wiesbaden: Springer (submitted).

Harsch(-Oria), S., Vaezi, M., Zaki, M.B. (2024). Children’s Health Literacy in Afghanistan: Making the Silent Issues Accessible and Promotable?. In: Nash, R., Cruickshank, V., Elmer, S. (eds) Global Perspectives on Children's Health Literacy. Springer, Cham. 

Bittlingmayer UH, Harsch S and Sahrai D (2024) Editorial: Health in Afghanistan. Some insights from socio-epidemiological researchFront. Public Health 12:1367951. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1367951

Zaki, Mohammad Baqer; Jawid, Asadullah; Noor, Muhaddesa; Harsch, Stefanie; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. (2023). Unveiling Employment Opportunities and Training Needs in Afghanistan's Labour Market under the Taliban rule. University of Education Freiburg.

Bittlingmayer, U. H., Islertas, Z., Sahrai, E., Harsch, S., Bertschi, I., & Sahrai, D. (2024). Health Literacy from a Health Ethnology Perspective: An Analysis of Everyday Health Practices of Migrant Youth and Families. Springer.

Krafft, M (2023). Welche Friedens- und Gewaltbegriffe finden sich in Texten afghanischer Studentinnen. Hausarbeit an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg

Harsch, S. (2022). Health Literacy as a Situational, Social Practice in Context-Insights from Three Research Projects among” Vulnerable Groups” (Doctoral dissertation, University of Education Freiburg).

Harsch, S; Bittlingmayer, UH (2021): Determinanten von wahrgenommener Lebensqualität sowie der Zusammenhang von Lebensqualität und Dimensionen von Gesundheit und Gesundheitskompetenz von Menschen in Zentralafghanistan. In Martin Staats (Ed.): Lebensqualität. Ein Metathema. Weinheim, München: Beltz Juventa, pp 578-588.

Harsch, S; Jawid, A; Jawid, ME; Saboga-Nunes, L; Bittlingmayer, UH.; Sahrai, D; Sørensen, K (2021): Health Literacy and Health Behavior Among Women in Ghazni, Afghanistan. In: Frontiers in Public Health 9, S. 629334. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.629334.

Bittlingmayer, UH,; Sahrai, OK.; Harsch, S.; Jawid, A.; Shojaee, N.; Martin, F.; Sahrai, D. (2020) “Located Captialism in Afghanistan” English translation of “Capitalismo situado no Afeganistão“. In: /Terceiro Milênio./ /Revista crítica de sociologia e política, /V. 12, nº 1, 2019. (Herausgegeben von Edson Farias und Fabrício Maciel).

Bittlingmayer, UH., Islertas, Z., Sahrai, E., Harsch, S., Bertschi, I., & Sahrai, D. (2020). Health Literacy von geflüchteten, männlichen Jugendlichen aus Afghanistan und die Auslotung vorhandener Handlungsspielräume. In Health Literacy aus gesundheitsethnologischer Perspektive. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 185-218.

Harsch, S; Jawid, A; Jawid, ME; Sahrai, D; Bittlingmayer, UH (2020): The Relationship of Health Literacy, Wellbeing and Religious Beliefs in Neglected and Unequal Contexts – Results of a Unique Study in Central Afghanistan. In Health Promotion Journal of Australia 32, S. 80–87. DOI: 10.1002/hpja.419.

Harsch, S; Jawid, A; Jawid, ME; Saboga-Nunes, L; Bittlingmayer, UH.; Sahrai, D; Sørensen, K (2020): Health without formal Education? Health Literacy, Quality of Life and Health behavior among Male Household Leaders in Four Districts of the Ghazni Province, Afghanistan. In Luis Saboga-Nunes, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer, Okan Orkan, Diana Sahrai (Eds.): New Approaches to Health Literacy. Linking Different Perspectives. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 261-287.

Harsch, S; Jawid, A; Jawid, M. Ebrahim; Bittlingmayer, UH (2020): Health literacy in Afghanistan – astonishing insights provoke a reconsideration of the common concept and measures of health literacy. In Luis Saboga-Nunes, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer, Orkan Okan, Diana Sahrai (Eds.): New Approaches to Health Literacy. Linking Different Perspectives. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 261-287.

Bittlingmayer UH, Grundmeier, AM; Kößler, R; Sahrai, D; Sahrai, F (2019): Education and Development in Afghanistan. Challenges and Prospects. Bielefeld: transcript.

Bittlingmayer, UH; Grundmeier, A-M; Kößler, R.; Sahrai, F.; Sahrai, D. (2019): Introduction: Education and Development in Afghanistan between History, Expansion, Hope and Disillusions. In: Dies (eds): Education and Development in Afghanistan. Challenges and Prospects, Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 15-44.

Harsch, S; Bittlingmayer, UH (2019): Highly Motivated, Transnational, Heterogeneous, and Barely Interconnected: An Explorative Online Survey among German Organizations. In: Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. et al. (eds): Education and Development in Afghanistan. Challenges and Prospects, Bielefeld: transcript, pp.79-101.

Sahrai, Omar-Khaled (2018): Ethnizität, Widerstand und politische Legitimation in pashtunischen Stammesgebieten Afghanistans und Pakistans. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.

Harsch, S (2017): Health and Health Promotion in Developing Countries. A Case-Study on community-based Health Promotion Approaches in Afghanistan. Freiburg: University of Education Freiburg (Master Thesis).

Grundmeier, A-M; Sahrai, D; Sahrai, F (2015): Teacher Education in Afghanistan- Challenges and Prospects (Tagungsbericht). In: International Quaterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 46 3-4/2015, pp. 434-437.

Sahrai, D; Bittlingmayer, UH (2015) Entwicklung durch Bildung? Anmerkungen zur Idee, Afghanistan durch Bildungsexpansion nachholend zu entwickeln, in: Hauck, G; Lenz, I; Wienold, H (Hrsg.): Entwicklung, Gewalt, Gedächtnis. Festschrift für Reinhart Kößler, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 215-233.

Congress Contribution

Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. ; Zaki, Mohammad Baqer (2024). Education, Social Work, and the Afghan Diaspora. Presented at Sustainable Global Social Work in Times of Crisis and Conflict, organized by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland.

Zaki, Mohammad Baqer (2022). Supporting Afghan Students and Scholars in Afghanistan. Presented at The Future of Higher Education in Afghanistan, organized by The Hollings Center, Istanbul, Turkey

Afghan-Academic-Association (AGA), 14thAGA meeting; Berlin, Germany; February 2018: Harsch, S; Bittlingmayer, UH; Sahrai, D, Sahrai, E: Health Literacy in Afghanistan. Überraschende Einblicke in den Bereich Gesundheit, Gesundheit Handeln. Befunde eines multi-sample survey in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

HLCA Consortium’s meeting Bielefeld, Germany; Februar 2018: Sahrai, E; Projekt ELMi: Sinnsetzungsprozesse von jungen Geflüchteten mit afghanischem Migrationshintergrund – eine ethnographische Jugendgesundheitsstudie.

European Public Health Association (EUPHA), 10th European Public Health Conference; Stockholm, Sweden; November 2017: Harsch, S; Jawid, A; Jawid, M. E.; Bittlingmayer, UH: Health Literacy in crisis-affected Afghanistan: a quantitative study on beliefs and barriers.

City Health Conference; Basel, Schweiz; November 2017: Bittlingmayer, UH: The Limits of Evidence-Based Public Health and the Need for an Ethnological Approach to Research in Health Promotion and Prevention.

9th European Public Health Conference; Wien, Österreich; November 2016: Sahrai, D; Bittlingmayer, UH; Saboga Nunes, L. (2016): Health literacy – the necessity for an ethnological perspective.

23rd International Congress of DAVO; Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany; October 2016: Workshop: Education, Health, Peace and Development in Afghanistan. Beiträge:

1st Summer School on Health Literacy; Freiburg, Germany, University of Education Freiburg; September 2016: Workshop: Sahrai, E; Harsch, S; Jawid, A: Health Literacy in Afghanistan.

3rd Health Literacy in Childhood and Adolescence Consortium Meeting; Bielefeld, Deutschland; Oktober 2015: Islertas, Z., Sahrai E, Bittlingmayer UH: ELMi EHealth Literacy and Minority health: An ethnographic study on health-related use of new media among disadvantaged adolescents with Turkish and Afghan migration background.

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