Media competence and cultural empowerment
About the project
How do you design a compelling radio format or audio file? How do you reach your target group with your (web-) radio programme? How operate (digital) recording software? How to edit an interview? And more important: How do you help minority groups create a voice in which to express their cultural identity?
META Europe was a European training course focusing on media competence. The objective is to introduce the issue of media competence in non-formal adult education. Participants in the course – adult educators, teachers, social workers and media trainers from various European countries working in different areas – have been enabled to offer and integrate media training into their regular work so as to promote self expression and digital skills for their respective target groups. Funding for participants was provided under the Lifelong Learning Programme (former Socrates), Grundtvig mobility.
On this website you will find:
- the description of the training course
- some background information about the META Europe partners who developed the course
- the curriculum of the training course including teaching and learning materials.
META Europe in general is a close collaboration between community media practitioners, specialists within the field of adult education and university action researchers. The partnership within META Europe consists of 10 partners (NGOs and Universities) in 8 European countries.
The META Europe Training Course (curriculum, teaching and learning materials) was jointly designed and developed by the members of the META Europe partner organisations who also deliver and evaluate the courses (see CVs and contact). Wherever possible, materials from model workshops developed and delivered under the preceding European Socrates funded projects “Creating Community Voices” and “Digital Dialogues” were adapted.
Many of the META Europe project partners have been collaborating over years. All in all, the partnership brings to the project an unusual combination of experience in education and training, broadcasting, academic media research, project management and publications on the subject of community radio broadcasting, training and media competence.
META Europe as a whole is coordinated by Dr. Traudel Günnel, University of Education Freiburg. Consultancy is provided by a UK consultant: Peter Lewis.
META Europe was funded by the EU / Socrates, Grundtvig. Funding period: 1.10.2004 – 31.12.2006.
Landkarte Europa mit Markierungen der beteiligten Institutionen im Projekt
Details about the META Europe - organizers
- Project Coordinator: University of Education Freiburg, Germany / Dr. Traudel Günnel
Partner Organisations - Association Free Radio Freudenstadt e.V., Germany / Susan Jones
- Media Centre of the Scientific Advisory Institute of the Youth Aid Organisation, Freiburg, Germany / Karin Eble, Irene Schumacher
- University of Lodz, Poland / Dr. Wieslaw Olesky
- University of Sunderland, UK / Caroline Mitchell, Lynn Simpson
- Radio Robin Hood, Turku, Finland / Riitta Haapakoski
- Radio Orange 94.0, Wien, Austria (Association to support local non-commercial radios) / Frank Hagen, Fiona Steinert
- Mediapolis Europe, Roma, Italy / Prof. Dr. Beatrice Barbalato
- Civil Radio Budapest, Hungary / Adam Magyar (responsible for the proposed project)
- Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands / Dr. Maurice Vergeer, Dr. Nicholas Jankowski
Consultant: Dr. Peter Lewis (Journalist & Advisor)
Speaking out! Media Competency and Cultural Empowerment offers a wide range of media skills: from self-expression to European media policies. Participants learn to apply these skills, and how to teach them to the people they work with.
After successful completion of the training, a participant will be able to:
- work with local social groups in the context of community media, particularly radio
- encourage individuals and groups in the community to articulate their interests and opinions
- introduce members of local groups to new options for communication and cultural exchange.
The training is offered as a one-week course with approximately 25-30 teaching hours divided into 5 units. An additional day is planned for visiting the local organisation where the course takes place in order to facilitate exchange of experience. The course starts with a welcome meeting in the evening of the day preceding the beginning of the course itself. The course language is English.
Programme of the course
- Communication Skills / Self Expression / Radio Skills(2 days)
- Digital Skills (1 day)
- Concepts of Teaching and Learning (1 day)
- Publicity, Management, Dimensions of European Media Politics (1/2 day)
- Evaluation (1/2 day)
The training was offered as a one-week course with approximately 25-30 teaching hours divided into 5 units.
The curriculum and the teaching and learning materials of the META Europe - Training Course are provided here for download.
- Names of Project Partners
- META Introduction and Description for Welcome Meeting
- Slide Show
- handouts: Useful Weblinks, AMARC International Charter of Community Radios
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