Dr. Kirsten Birsak de Jersey
kirsten.birsakdejersey(at)ph-freiburg.de | |
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- Birsak de Jersey, Kirsten (2021). English in inclusive multilingual preschools: Researching the potential of a teacher education model for in-service teachers. Narr Francke Attempto.
- Birsak de Jersey, Kirsten (2022). Multilingual preschools: Researching the potential of a teacher education model for in-service teachers. In B. Cortina-Pérez (ed.), Addressing future challenges in early language learning and multilingual education (pp. 373-382). Dykinson.
- Birsak de Jersey, Kirsten (2022). Recommended resource: ICEKits teacher-created materials around picturebooks for intercultural citizenship education in Early ELT. Children’s Literature in English Language Education 10 (2), 141-147.
- Brown, A., Birsak de Jersey, K., & Kolb, A. (2022). How to build a community of practice – peer learning in early foreign language teacher education. In B. Cortina-Pérez (ed.), Addressing future challenges in early language learning and multilingual education (pp. 383-390). Dykinson.
- Birsak de Jersey (2022). Central features and components for an EFL teacher education model.In H. Böttger & N. Schlüter (Edts.), Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen: Band zur 5. Konferenz. Schriftbild.
- Birsak de Jersey, K. (2024). English in inclusive multilingual preschools: Researching the potential of a teacher education model for in-service teachers In N. Martínez-León, A. Andúgar, B. Cortina-Pérez (eds.), Multilingual Pedagogies for Early Years Theoretical Insights and Innovative Approaches. Peter Lang.