Erasmus+ №609563-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP – Internationalizing Master Programmes in Agriculture via English Medium Instruction (IMPROVE _AGRO) (2020-2023)
Implementation of the Project
To achieve the project goals 9 work packages (WPs) are envisaged, each supporting one or several of the specific project objectives.
WP 1 (Preparation) will set up the legal framework for the project implementation (partnership agreements finalised, internal regulations discussed, etc.); The Work Plan will be revised and up-dated. In parallel, a workshop on project management will be organized and the strategy for communication discussed.
WP 2 will design methodology and strategy for modernisation of Master programmes in A&F.
Interdisciplinary Working Groups (IWGs) consisting of language educators (LEs), Agriculture and Forestry Lecturers (AFLs) and A&F practitioners (AFPs) will be established and will develop a strategy for creating the knowledge pool needed for modernisation. IWGs will draw on three main information resources: EU curricula development best practices and quality standards; innovative A&F subject-related content; English corpora to inform the content language training of general academic and specialist language training.
WP 3 will enhance knowledge and teaching potential of the PC HEIs in development/
modernisation of A&F modules via EMI and BL.
This will require initial training of LEs and ALs in innovative methodologies, tuned to the EU standards, while adjusted to local contexts.
Training will include: workshops delivered by the EU and PC staff, observations of EMI in action; visits to the EU partners; enhancement of IT skills of participants, language training.
Two main categories of training are envisaged:
1) ’Training trainers’ (LEs from the PC HEIs trained in CLIL approaches for EMI of A&F modules) who will in turn train AFLs;
2) Training for AFLs in EU approaches to course design, online methodologies and delivery via EMI, including the flipped classroom and CLIL techniques, together with language competence development.
As a result of WP 3 a knowledge pool will be created in the form of a transinstitutional Multidisciplinary Curricula-Modernisation Task Force’ (MCMTF).
In WP 4 the process of up-dating the curricula will go in parallel with staff training. The syllabi and course plans will be agreed in consultation with the AFPs, relevant authorities and the EU partners.
New ECTS based modules will be developed/ modernized jointly by AFLs and LEs at all PC universities.
Masters’ curricula will be updated in all PCIs to include new EMI modules based on learner-centred methodologies, identifying core modules to be included into the curricula of most PC partners for all programmes and regional specialist modules. (see Part F.3.)
A digital library of teaching materials will be created will be published on the Internet platform. At least 8 MA curricula in A&F will be modernised; 24 new modules with supporting teaching materials designed to be delivered via EMI.
WP 5 is an integrating WP, aiming at developing an e-learning platform for HEIs, A&F enterprises and authorities, to ensure a wide access to resources and to provide a forum for public debate on A&F issues. An e-learning platform for PCIs will be created to host the modules together with a digital library of teaching materials.
WP 6 brings together all the SPOs to achieve the wider project objective, focusing on implementation of designed modules. The designed modules will be officially integrated into the A&F curricula at PC universities and will be in operation via EMI and blended learning (2-4 credits each) in Year 3. At the same time, new/up-dated modules will be probated at Summer Schools and professional development courses for A&F practitioners.
The Master’s programmes will be actively promoted in each PCI and AFSs will be supported by language educators and EU partners to deliver the new modules. Feedback will be collected from staff and students and modules revised accordingly.
WP 7 will ensure the quality of the project via Quality Plan updated in the first quarter of Year 1, including: risk analysis and adjustment measures; regular monitoring of mobility effectiveness; quality control of courses; quarterly internal QC reports; institutional and external audits, inter-projects coaching; validation of LLL modules.
WP 8. Dissemination as a key issue, will build on a carefully designed strategy and will involve all means available: social and institutional networks, mass-media, information leaflets and brochures; project web-sites; seminars and conferences. The results will be summed up in a workshop at KazNAU
Sustainability will be determined by institutionalization of the project outcomes; by strengthened partnerships with Agri-enterprises and decision-makers; by self-financing models for training provision.
WP 9: Project management will build on regular communication via email; telephone and Skype; active involvement of PC staff; transparent decision-making; clear and efficient planning; evaluation and reporting; equal gender distribution.