Erasmus+ №609563-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP – Internationalizing Master Programmes in Agriculture via English Medium Instruction (IMPROVE _AGRO) (2020-2023)

Quality control of the educational products and regular monitoring of the project progress are an integral part of the project implementation. The methodology for quality assurance was discussed at the kick-off meeting at TyuSU in March 2020 and has been since updated on a regular basis. 

Three key operational documents jointly developed by the EU and PC partners are guiding quality assurance for the consortium: 

The International Quality Assurance Group (IQAG) has been created, including representatives of QA departments and academics from all partner institutions;

An External Expert Groups for QA of the courses and of the project implementation have been formed in each partner country, including experts from agricultural industry and governmental departments.