Workshop Dr. Sophie Hadfield-Hill, 06.04.2022, 14.00 – 17.30 Uhr
Des Weiteren konnten wir Dr. Sophie Hadfield-Hill (Birmingham University) für einen Workshop zur Forschung mit Kindern in geographischen Kontexten gewinnen. Unter dem Titel “Thinking with water, mud and non-human others in childhood research: opening up conversations about entanglement, the environment and inequality”, bietet der Workshop eine Möglichkeit sich in offener und interaktiver Atmosphäre näher mit Chancen und Herausforderungen der geographischen Kindheitsforschung zu befassen.
Auch der Workshop wird auf Zoom stattfinden und in englischer Sprache sein. Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.
Thinking with Water, Mud and Non-Human Others in Childhood Research: Opening up Conversations about Entanglement, the Environment and Inequality
Led by Dr. Sophie Hadfield-Hill, this workshop is to initiate a conversation and exchange about current children’s geography research. Sophie will present three mini-lectures on i) watery entanglements; ii) geological agents and iii) complicating childhood-nature relations as starting points for group discussion about entanglement, non-human others, the environment and inequality. Participants will be expected to share their own research interests and work together to think about new research directions and priorities.
The interactive workshop will take place via Zoom and will be held in English. Registration is required.
About Sophie Hadfield Hill
Sophie is an Associate Professor of Human Geography at the University of Birmingham. She is an internationally recognised Children’s Geographer with expertise in children and young people’s everyday experiences of urban change in diverse contexts. Her research portfolio spans young people’s lives in the UK, India and Brazil. She has led cutting-edge debates on public space, community mapping, participation, child-friendly cities; as well as theoretically engaging pieces on young people’s relationships with diverse natures and urban infrastructures. She holds key positions in the field, namely the Chair of the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families RGS-IBG research group and an Associate Editor position for the journal Children’s Geographies.
Link to the Meeting
Encountering Difference - Workshop Dr. Sophie Hadfield-Hill
6.Apr..2022 02:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
Meeting-ID: 632 5613 9398
Kenncode: 661679