Prof. Dr. Luis Saboga-Nunes
Associate Professor
luis.saboga-nunes(at)ph-freiburg.de | |
Sprechstunde | monday: 11am |
Health and Medical Sociology
Public Health
Health Promotion
Healthy life Styles and Health Literacy - empowerment
Health paradigms
Luís Saboga Nunes, (LSN) (Lic Soc, MPH, PhD) is a health sociologist and a Public Health teacher. He is President of EUPHA Health Promotion Section and a certified European Health Promotion Practitioner (EuHP) by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE).
LSN has been actively engaged in the creation and implementation of several academic programs in Health Promotion and Public Health. His teaching activities have been related to sociology of health and ill-health, health promotion and health policy at different courses and programs like the Master of Public Health, Master of Health Management or Doctoral Program of Public Health. He developed and implemented teaching modules such as "Sociology of Health and Public Health", "Demography and Public Health" or “Healthy Life Styles: from Theory to Practice”, post-graduate courses, including “Smoking Prevention and Cessation” training for health professionals.
His research interest has focused on theoretical and evidence-based good practice in public health, health promotion and health literacy, extensively discussed in the course: “Health Paradigms, Salutogenesis and Public Health”. This has been the natural context for the discussion of the salutogenesis paradigm and for its establishment within specific public health interventions where health promotion is at stake. As a researcher and health promoter, he has contributed to the development of several applications in which information and knowledge management are key elements in easing the everyday burden of health professionals and also promote citizens’ health literacy. His publishing endeavor has concentrated on channeling knowledge from breakthroughs in scientific research into health literacy and on facilitating the assimilation of these innovations by the public domain. Coaching life styles changes has been a major area of activity and implementation. He did his PhD research focusing on ehealth literacy instruments and citizens’ health empowerment. He is the author of the health promotion program that focuses on health literacy to help smokers quit smoking "renasceres” @ www.parar.net This program is authenticated with the seal of quality of the international organization “HonCode” based in Geneva, Switzerland. This is one more example of how he has devoted himself to knowledge translation, having produced more than 100 articles focusing translational scientific knowledge to the main public, targeting health promotion. He has been a member (representing Portugal) of the group that meet in Zurich in 2007 where the foundation for the research of the evaluation of health literacy in Europe was set (HLS-EU) where he was a collaborating partner. He has participated actively in several national and international meetings like, for instance, the European Health Literacy Conference (Brussels, 2011) that presented results of the European Health Literacy Survey project. He was a member of the scientific committee of European Health Literacy Conferences that took place in Aarhus (2014), Denmark and in Brussels (2015). He is member of the scientific committee of the HLCA consortium, based in Germany for the research of children and adolescents health promotion and increment of health literacy. His contribution to the development of health literacy research has led to the authorized translation and validation to Portuguese of the European Health Literacy Survey HLS-EU-PT®, and he is concentrated in an articulation with the German HLCA consortium on strengthening the Portuguese network for the promotion of health literacy www.literacia-saude.info In 2016 he co-organized in Curitiba, Brazil, the Pre-Conference that launched the health literacy topic in the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) world conference; co-organized and participated in the first Health Literacy summer school in Germany at the University of Freiburg. In 2016 he was elected President for the Health Promotion Section of European Public Health Association (EUPHA) during the 9th European Public Health conference in Vienna.
LSN for several years have been active in health promotion teaching, training and interacting with health professionals and the public at different settings. These include primary health care units, hospitals, elderly care institutions, schools or workplaces.
Since 2020 LSN is the director of the HEalthy LIfestyles & Health Literacy Chair Academy(HeLiCA) program. HeLiCA is a joint venture under the auspices of UNESCO Chair of Health Promotion and Education. Involving several institutions, HeLiCA is a three-fold entry point designed to contribute to sustainable living in the midst of an ecosystem challenge.
For detailed information please go to www.saboga.net
Current research interests
The origins of health (salutogenesis) and Health Literacy
Society and health: sociological paradigms
Society and ill-health: Smoking Prevention and Cessation
Health promotion, intervention and community epidemiology
Life styles and salutogenesis
health, mhealth, and empowerment
Other perspectives and functions
President of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Health Promotion Section
Certified European Health Promotion Practitioner (EuHP) by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE).
International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) - Global Working Group on Health Literacy (GWG-HL)
International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) - Global Working Group GWG on Salutogenesis (GWG-SoC)
CNPq: Centro Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Diretorio de Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil Lattes: (ProLiSaBr) PROmoção em Comunicação, educação e LIteracia para a SAúde no BRasil
Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia
Associação Portuguesa de Promoção da Saúde
Since the beginning of my work as a health sociologist, I am committed to procure the articulation between the origins of health and of a sustainable society where quality of life and wellness are key topics. The question has been "salus - unde venis?"
My teaching activities have been related to sociology of health and ill health, health promotion and health policy at different courses and programs like the Master of Public Health, Master of Health Management or Doctoral Program of Public Health. As a Public Health teacher I have been actively engaged in the creation and implementation of teaching modules such as "Sociology of Health and Public health", "Demography and Public Health" or “Healthy Life Styles: from Theory to Practice”. My teaching focus on the course “Health Paradigms, Salutogenesis and Public Health” has been the natural context for the discussion of the salutogenesis paradigm and for its establishment within specific public health interventions where health promotion is at stake. I was also responsible for the development and implementation of several post-graduate courses, including “Smoking Prevention and Cessation” training for health professionals, Master Program of Health Promotion (credited by the IUHPE).
My research interest has focused on theoretical and evidence-based good practice in public health, health promotion and health literacy. As a researcher and health promoter, I have been committed to the development of salutogenic applications in which information and knowledge management are key elements in easing the everyday burden of health professionals and also promote citizens’ health literacy. My publishing endeavor has concentrated on channeling knowledge from breakthroughs in scientific research into health literacy and on facilitating the assimilation of these innovations by the public domain. The question here is "salus - quo vadis?" How life styles changes are achieved towards health creation, has been a major area of activity and implementation on the realm of sustainable living. Consequently sociology has given me the tools to start to move beyond the metaphor of life to the very essence of health. …!
Inocencio MAS, Vilaca LV,; Martins RAS, Saboga-Nunes LA, Pires FC, Chavaglia SRR (2021). Literacia para a Saúde para o Uso da Internet por Profissionais de Serviços Hospitalares. Enfermagem em Foco, 2021
Levin-Zamir D, Sorensen K, Su TT, Sentell T, Rowlands G, Messer M, Pleasant A, Sabog-Nunes L, Lev-Ari S, & Okan O. (2021). Health promotion preparedness for health crises – a ‘must’ or ‘nice to have’? Case studies and global lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Health Promotion. March 2021. doi:10.1177/1757975921998639
Wilberg A, Saboga-Nunes L, Stock C. Are we there yet? Use of the Ottawa Charter action areas in the perspective of European health promotion professionals. J Public Health (Berl.) 29, 1–7 (2021). doi.org/10.1007/s10389-019-01108-x
Harsch S, Jawid A, Jawid E, Saboga-Nunes L, Sørensen K,Sahrai D and Bittlingmayer UH (2021)Health Literacy and Health Behavior Among Women in Ghazni, Afghanistan. Front. Public Health 9:629334.doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.629334
Peralta-Santos A, Saboga-Nunes L, Magalhães P. (2021) A Tale of Two Pandemics in Three Countries (Portugal, Spain, and Italy). In: Greer S, King E, Massard da Fonseca E, Peralta-Santos A. 2021. Coronavirus Politics. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. ISBN: 9780472038626
Saboga-Nunes L, Bittlingmayer U, Sahrai D, Portela C. (2021) Cybercounseling. In: Gu D., Dupre M.E. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_1084-1
Saboga-Nunes L, Levin-Zamir D, Bittlingmayer U, Contu P, Pinheiro P, Ivassenko V et al. A Health Promotion Focus on COVID-19: Keep the Trojan horse out of our health systems. Promote health for ALL in times of crisis and beyond!: EUPHA-HP, IUHPE, UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education; 2020. Available from: URL: www.iuhpe.org/images/IUHPE/Advocacy/COVID19_HealthPromotion.pdf
Saboga-Nunes L, Bittlingmayer UH, Orkan O, Sahrai D. (eds.) (2020). New Approaches to Health Literacy - Linking Different Perspectives (Series: Gesundheit und Gesellschaft). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Germany (U.K.) ISBN : 978-3-658-30908-4
Saboga-Nunes L, Jourdain D, Bittlingmayer UH. Renewing the Conceptual Framework for Health Literacy: the Contribution of Salutogenesis to Tapered the Health Gap. In: Luis A. Saboga-Nunes / Uwe H. Bittlingmayer / Orkan Okan / Diana Sahrai (eds.) (2020). New Approaches to Health Literacy - Linking Different Perspectives (Series: Gesundheit und Gesellschaft). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Germany (U.K.) ISBN : 978-3-658-30908-4
Harsch, Stefanie; Jawid, Asadullah; Jawid, M. Ebrahim; Saboga Nunes, Luis; Sahrai, Diana; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. (2020): The relationship of health literacy, wellbeing and religious beliefs in neglected and unequal contexts—Results of a survey study in central Afghanistan. In Health Promot J Austral 32, pp. 80–87. DOI: 10.1002/hpja.419
Moreira KCC, Martins RAdS, Saboga-Nunes L. A Literacia para a saúde no setting escolar. Rev. Ed. Popular 2020; 18(3):268–75.
Droogers M, Jansen D, Lindert J, Saboga-Nunes L, Rudén M, Guichardon M et al. Health-related Sustainable Development Goals: countdown on alcohol use, smoking prevalence, child overweight and suicide mortality. European Journal of Public Health 2020; 30(Supplement_1):i10-i13. doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa027
Bauer G F, Roy M, Bakibinga P, Contu P, Downe S, Eriksson M, Espnes G A, Jensen B B, Juvinya Canal D, Lindström B, Mana A, Mittelmark M B, Morgan A R, Pelikan J M, Saboga-Nunes L, Sagy S, Shorey S, Vaandrager L, Vinje H F, Future directions for the concept of salutogenesis: a position article, Health Promotion International, daz057, Jun 2019, doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daz057 www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php
Saboga-Nunes L, Martins R, Farinelli M, Julião C, Pacheco E., Literacia para a Saúde: origens e implicações do conceito. In: Saboga-Nunes L, Martins R, Farinelli M, Julião C (eds.) (2019) O Papel da Literacia para a Saúde e Educação para a Saúde na Promoção da Saúde: Editora CRV, Curitiba, Brasil ISBN:978-85-444-3475-8 , DOI: 10.24824/978854443475.8
Andrade C, Saboga-Nunes L, Oliveira H, Freitas M, Duarte A. Envolvimento & Compromisso: Reflexões acerca da Implementação de um Projeto em Literacia para a Saúde nos Açores. In: Saboga-Nunes L, Martins R, Farinelli M, Julião C (eds.) (2019) O Papel da Literacia para a Saúde e Educação para a Saúde na Promoção da Saúde: Editora CRV, Curitiba, Brasil ISBN:978-85-444-3475-8 , DOI: 10.24824/978854443475.8
Freitas O, Morna C, Silva I, Freitas G, Vasconcelos G, Saboga-Nunes L. Perfil da Literacia para a Saúde de uma População Urbana da Região Autónoma da Madeira. In: Saboga-Nunes L, Martins R, Farinelli M, Julião C (eds.) (2019) O Papel da Literacia para a Saúde e Educação para a Saúde na Promoção da Saúde: Editora CRV, Curitiba, Brasil ISBN:978-85-444-3475-8 , DOI: 10.24824/978854443475.8
Saboga-Nunes L, Martins R, Farinelli M, Julião C (eds.) (2019) O Papel da Literacia para a Saúde e Educação para a Saúde na Promoção da Saúde: Editora CRV, Curitiba, Brasil ISBN:978-85-444-3475-8 , DOI: 10.24824/978854443475.8
Saboga-Nunes L, Bittlingmayer UH, Okan O. Salutogenesis and health literacy: the health promotion simplex! In: Okan, O., Bauer, U., Levin-Zamir, D., Pinheiro, P., Sørensen, K. (eds.) (2019). International Handbook of Health Literacy. Research, practice and policy across the lifes-pan. Bristol: The Policy Press, University of Bristol, England (U.K.)
Dias da Silva P, Saboga-Nunes L, Carvalho A - Literacia para a saúde em alunos do ensino secundário: Relação com a participação na saúde escolar. Revista Contexto & Educação.. ISSN 0102-8758. 34:108 (2019) 177–188. doi: 10.21527/2179-1309.2019.108.177-188
G F Bauer, M Roy, P Bakibinga, P Contu, S Downe, M Eriksson, G A Espnes, B B Jensen, D Juvinya Canal, B Lindström, A Mana, M B Mittelmark, A R Morgan, J M Pelikan, L Saboga-Nunes, S Sagy, S Shorey, L Vaandrager, H F Vinje, Future directions for the concept of salutogenesis: a position article, Health Promotion International, , daz057, Jun 2019, doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daz057
Bröder J, Chang P, Kickbusch I, Levin-Zamir D, McElhinney E, Nutbeam D, Okan O, Osborne R, Pelikan J, Rootman I, Rowlands G, Nunes-Saboga L, Simmons R, Sørensen K, Van den Broucke S, Velardo S, Wills S. International Union for Health Promotion and Education (2018). IUHPE Position statement on health literacy: a practical vision for a health literate world. IUHPE Global Working Group on Health Literacy. Paris: IUHPE. www.iuhpe.org/index.php/en/iuhpe-at-a-glance/iuhpe-official-statements
Bröder J, Chang P, Kickbusch I, Levin-Zamir D, McElhinney E, Nutbeam D, Okan O, Osborne R, Pelikan J, Rootman I, Rowlands G, Nunes-Saboga L, Simmons R, Sørensen K, Van den Broucke S, Velardo S, Wills S. IUHPE Position Statement on Health Literacy: a practical vision for a health literate world. (2018). Global Health Promotion, 25(4), 79–88. doi.org/10.1177/1757975918814421
Dorner T, Saboga-Nunes L, Paget D. Editorial: Health promotion and the need for a multisectoral approach. European Journal of Public Health, E-Collections 2018, academic.oup.com/eurpub/pages/health_promotionwww.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php
Saboga-Nunes L, Rowlands G, Okan O, Wills J, Kunder N, Kokk L. Editorial: Alcohol Consumption and Harmful Use of Alcohol. European Journal of Public Health, E-Collections 2017, ISSN 1464-360X, academic.oup.com/eurpub/pages/harmful_use_of_alcohol www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php
Okan O, Lopes E, Bollweg T, Bröder J, Messer M, Bruland D, Bond E, Carvalho G, Sørensen C, Saboga-Nunes L, Levin-Zamir D, Diana Sahrai D, Bittlingmayer U, Pelikan J, Thomas M, Bauer U, Pinheiro P. Generic health literacy measurement instruments for children and adolescents: a systematic review of the literature BMC Public Health (2018) 18:166 DOI 10.1186/s12889-018-5054-0 www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php
Saboga-Nunes L, Levin-Zamir D, Rabius V. Tobacco still a major killer- will we achieve the end game? European Journal of Public Health. 2017;27-4:22–5. Doi: org/10.1093/eurpub/ ckx161 doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckx161
Bröder J, Okan O, Bauer U, Bruland D, Schlupp S, Bollweg T, Saboga-Nunes L, Bond E, Sørensen K, Bitzer E, Jordan S, Domanska O, Firnges C, Carvalho G, Bittlingmayer U, Levin-Zamir D, Pelikan J, Sahrai D, Lenz A, Wahl P, Thomas M, Kess F, Pinheiro P (2017) - Health literacy in childhood and youth: a systematic review of definitions and models. BMC Public Health (2017) 17:361 DOI 10.1186/s12889-017-4267-y
Saboga-Nunes L. Perspectives on salutogenesis of scholars writing in Portuguese. In: Mittelmark MB, Sagy S, Eriksson M, Bauer GF, Pelikan JM, Lindström B, et al., editors. The handbook of salutogenesis. Geneva: Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 415-422. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04600-6_46. ISBN 978-3-319-04599-3 [Aplicar tÃtulo de acordo com o ISBN no projeto Citavi] [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]
Saboga-Nunes L, Freitas O, Cunha M. Renasceres: um modelo para a construção da cidadania em saúde através da literacia para a saúde. Revista Servir. 2016;59(1):7-16.
Marques A, Martins J, Peralta M, Catunda R, Saboga-Nunes L. European adults' physical activity socio-demographic correlates: a cross-sectional study from the European Social Survey. PeerJ. 2016;4:e2066. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2066 [Aplicar tÃtulo de acordo com o DOI no projeto Citavi] [Titel anhand dieser DOI in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen] . doi.org/10.7717/peerj.2066
[Aplicar título de acordo com o DOI no projeto Citavi] [Titel anhand dieser DOI in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]
Saboga-Nunes L, Cavalheiro G, Correia S, Santos A, Pinheiro P, Bauer U, et al. Adolescent’s health literacy as a buffer in a crises context of legionella outbreak in Portugal (CRADLISA Project HLS-EU-PT). In: Carmo M, editor. Proceedings: END 2015. Lisbon: W.I.A.R.S; 2015. p. 184–188. International Conference on Education and New Developments, Porto, Portugal, 27–29 June 2015. ISBN: 978-989-99389-2-2 [Aplicar tÃtulo de acordo com o ISBN no projeto Citavi] [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen] .
Saboga-Nunes L, Orkan O, Pinheiro P, Bauer U, Bittlingmayer UH, Sahrai D. The sense of coherence and its impact in the building process of health literacy in adolescents. [abstract/oral communication]. European Journal of Public Health. 26 : suppl 1 (2016):68. European Public Health Conference, 9, Viena, 9-12 November 2016. ISSN 1464-360X