Kinder und Gebärdensprache

IDE - Interpreter mediated Deaf Education at Primary Schools

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership Dec. 24 - 27

Inclusion is currently one of the greatest social and educational challenges (Leonhardt, 2018). Educational institutions are developing new concepts to implement the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD, UN, 2008), which are once again emphasised as a future task in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" (UNESCO, 2016). These can be summarised under the four keywords "availability, accessibility, adaptability, acceptability" (Steinmetz, Wrase, Helbig & Döttinger, 2021). However, it is questionable to what extent the educational environments offered are adapted to all learners and how participatory they actually are.

Currently, more and more parents of deaf children are demanding inclusive education (Kaul, 2018). Interpreters for German Sign Language (DGS) and German are employed to enable access to spoken communication and participation in the classroom. As the number of students in inclusive education with interpreters is rapidly increasing, research is urgently needed to ensure participation opportunities and equivalence of educational provision, as well as effective and transparent collaboration between teachers and interpreters. To meet this research gap and produce information material for teachers, interpreters and children, the project IDE was designed. The successful project application was supported at the University of Education Freiburg, Germany, by Michelle Laux (academic staff).

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership with

Dr. Vera Kolbe, University of Education Freiburg, Germany: University website Dr. Vera Kolbe 

Prof. Dr. Petra Gretsch: University website Prof. Dr. Petra Gretsch

Prof. Dr. Sigrid Slettebakk Berge, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway: University website Prof. Dr. Sigrid Slettebakk Berge

Prof. Eli Raanes, Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education, Trondheim, Norway  University website Professor Eli Raanes

Prof. Lorraine Leeson, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland: University website Prof. Lorraine Leeson

Martina Farren, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

the European Union of the Deaf, Belgium: Website of the European Union of the Deaf

the SBBZ Stegen, Germany: Website of the SBBZ Stegen

the Holy Family National School, Ireland: Website of the Holy Family National School


Kolbe, Vera, Farren, Martina, Leeson, Lorraine & Slettebakk Berge, Sigrid. (2024).  Sli@School. BATOD magazine. Sept: 28-31.


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Hänel-Faulhaber, Barbara. (2019). Bimodal-Bilinguales Lernen in heterogenen Lerngruppen – Beiträge aus der Grundlagenforschung für die Praxis. Hörgeschädigtenpädagogik, 3/2019, S. 134-142.

Hennink, Monique M. (2015). International focus group research: a handbook for the health and social sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Kaul, Thomas. (2018). Unterricht und Förderung gebärdensprachlich kommunizierender Schüler. In Leonhardt, Annette (Hrsg.), Inklusion im Förderschwerpunkt Hören. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Leonhardt, Annette. (2018). Inklusion im Förderschwerpunkt Hören. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

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Steinmetz, Sebastian, Wrase, Michael, Helbig, Marcel & Döttinger, Ina. (2021). Die Umsetzung schulischer Inklusion nach der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention in den deutschen Bundesländern. Nomos.

UNESCO. (2016). Unpacking Sustainable Development Goal 4. Education 2030. Online unter abgerufen am 03.02.2022